SELF-DISCIPLINE. Why you need it.
“Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates”.
What is Discipline? “It is the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience.”
Discipline often comes with a slightly negative angle and perception. But when I think of “discipline”, I always imply the term “SELF-Discipline”.
Self-discipline is the ability to control yourself and to make yourself work hard or behave in a particular way without needing anyone else to tell you what to do.
In other words, people with self-discipline have higher chances of achieving better results and reaching their goals. It’s about making a conscious decision, a choice that I want something, and actually doing what is required in order to achieve that goal. Sounds simple, right? Often, we have no idea what the road is going to be like to our shiny goal, and it is vital to understand the everyday actions and emotions on our way there. But this is a separate topic that I’ll cover soon.
According to a 2013 study by Wilhelm Hoffman, people with high self control are happier than those without. The study discovered this is true because the self disciplined subjects were more capable of dealing with goal conflicts. Do I go on a vacation or do I start a new project? Do I eat an ice-cream or do I stick to my diet so I can be in better shape later?
Awareness and long-term focus helps us to pick the “right” decision. We are often too short-sighted, too tempted. Are we ready to sacrifice who we are today for what we can become tomorrow? Are you ready to skip a party and work on your goal? Because if you do — the chances of you succeeding are higher.
Discipline helps to train a person’s mind and character, building a sense of self-control. I love working with athletes and people who do sports. I would prefer to hire an athlete over another similar candidate because they have discipline, they know how to move step by step, they have persistence and they will eventually win in the long run.
People with self-discipline make informed, rational decisions on a daily basis without feeling overly stressed or upset. Self-discipline is a learned behavior.
Here are 10 tips on how you can become more self-disciplined.
🏁 1. Set a Goal
What do you want to achieve? You can use MyWay 2020 planner that we’ve created for just that.
🚀 2. Get Motivated
Get to the WHY. Why do you want something? Do you really want it? Why does it matter?
🧘🏽♂️3. Practice self-awareness
Why am I doing this? What am I doing? What do I want to achieve? Where my actions will lead me?
Whenever you make a choice or think of something -> ask yourself if this brings your closer to your goal.
📝 4. Create Habits and Rituals
Habits are formed in 21 days and we have to train our brain to run on autopilot. This is hard in the beginning.
Start with a morning ritual: 10 min workout, cold shower, good breakfast, morning notes, setting goals for the day, writing down things you are grateful fur.
✔️5. Start Small
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!
🧨 6. Put the Big Rocks in First
Legendary time management expert and author Steven Covey first introduced this concept[5] in the 80’s and it’s just as relevant if not more so today. The idea is that if you do the most important things first, you won’t get distracted by all the little items that can end up mindlessly filling your day.
In fact, studies have shown that willpower is a limited resource.
❌ 7. Remove temptations
“Out of sight, out of mind.” Remove all temptations and distractions from your environment. If you want to improve your focus while working, turn off your cell phone and remove the clutter from your desk. Remove junk food from your house. Buy a yoga mat. Create an environment that supports you towards your goal.
🥑 8. Eat healthy
Studies have shown that low blood sugar often weakens a person’s resolve. When you’re hungry, your ability to concentrate suffers as your brain is not functioning to its highest potential.
🤑 9. Rewards for yourself
While practicing self-control, schedule specific breaks, treats, and rewards for yourself. Dieting? Designate Saturday as ice cream sundae day.
🕺🏼 10. Accountability partner
It’s always helpful to have someone who will keep you accountable. I have a group of 5 people for that.
Too many people are susceptible to instant gratification. Let’s build a muscle of thinking long term, of small sacrifices today in the name of bigger victories tomorrow.
“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”
Let’s go 🚀